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January 26, 2009
The "shaka" sign defined HERE.
Aloha all...
The overall climate is an important factor in my choice of the westside of Kaua'i in which to spend most of the hours of my life. Last month, I found these two photos when looking for something else...
During my senior year at the University of Idaho in 1956, I shared this little log cabin in Moscow with four other guys. As a California-born & raised student, I learned that I did not want to live where I would have to deal with snow and cold. Upon graduation, I headed south to San Diego and got a job as a marine technician at Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
My first trip to Hawai'i was in 1973...a week on O'ahu and a week on Big Island. I did not take a planned trip for a week on Maui and a week on Kaua'i in 1974. If I had, I am sure that I would have moved my family to Kaua'i within a year or two. But I stayed teaching in Ojai until 1979 when I retired from twenty years of classroom teaching.
The next time I went to O'ahu was in May of 1982. Exciting times resulted in me moving to Waimanalo Beach in June and first visiting Kaua'i in July. That's when I had found my paradise. (I still wanted to check out Rarotonga in the Cook Islands at the same latitude, but south of the equator...I did that twice in 1985, but Kaua'i is for me).
In 1983, I moved to the norh shore of Kaua'i then in 1989, I moved to the west side where there is more sun and less rain. For me, the climate is ideal and I am especially glad of my choice when the mainland is having a cold winter as is happening this year.
February 2, 2009
I haven't been in an Artmail-making kind of mood since the my old digital camera doesn't work. I took quite a few photos of some pretty interesting things, but only a few got saved to the card even tho' there was a click and a flash. I have a newer little camera that I'm not eager to start using. I'll put some of the last shots with the old one. My Auntie Lou ti plant was starting to bloom...
Auntie Lou Ti Plant
On January 17th, Couchsurfers Allan and Anelya are now living in San Francisco and he is its CS Ambassador. They gave Anelya's parents from Kazakhstan a Kaua'i vacation for their anniversary. On their way to Koke'e and the Waimea Canyon Lookouts, they stopped by to say hi. I got only two photos when they first arrived...the others didn't record.
When I downloaded the photos from my camera, most of the images were missing. I put the card back in the camera and took a test snapshot at the Artrang...
Something is wrong with the mechanism...I "messed" with it and it took the photo. I put the card back in the camera and thought I could do what I had done before and get it to work.
Tashi had a luncheon on the 24th with food so "ono" and friends I hadn't seen for a while were there. I clicked away and "messed" with my camera, but could not get it to playback. I "messed" with it some more and got it to take only this one image from the luncheon...
Gilbert, Mizu and Pirate Ray.
That's the last photo with that camera...On another day, I also missed images of two male anoles fighting. I've retired that good old camera.
I'm going to be painting with acrylics again. This is the last boomerang that I shaped myself and was painting for Brian S. back in the early 1990s. I want to finish it and do some other art projects. I will also be scanning old photos and slides some of which may find their way to these Artmails.
Brian's Artrang
That's it for January. After I get things ready in 15B, I'll be making my couch available for couchsurfers this month.
Aloha, Art
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